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ssion of anti-Soviet views,” says  that t↙he new schools are a direct continuation of the momentum in Jewish education seen throughout Russia in all age groups. “There is no ↙doubt that they will continue a chain reaction of inve↙sted education, which bear ↙far-reaching and long-lasting fruit,” he said.
any relatives. Because of hi↙s disabilities I have fully de↙↙voted myself to his needs and don’t have the opportunity to work ? we live on a small pension from the government. The clothing certificate came very timely and really b↙rightened up our mood in the wor↙ld, says Gorin.
could not leave the house, were visi↙ted by voluntee
 Vyacheslav Likhachev, a historian at the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, a Jewish c↙ommunity organization from th↙e former Sovi↙et Union.

During the first years of the revolution, the Soviet government spo nearly impos↙sible for them to join a regular Jewish school. Th↙e second program is prepared for ch↙ildren of the community rabbis who reside in small citie↙s, where no appropriate Jewish school is yet available. Both schools offer a rich and invested curriculum.
Or Avner fund director Rabbi Dovid Mondshine noted with satisfaction
? over the summer my son ↙grew out of his old clothes and we were in need of a new wardrobe for the winter,” said one mother from Volgograd, Russia, another Jewish co↙mmunity that participated in the distribution.
Overall, more than 55 citich is cone,  of operation, locansored Je↙wish culture, including Yiddish theater, literature and the arts. ↙Yiddish was promoted as the lang↙uage of the Jewish working class. Soviet Russia became ↙the center of Yiddish↙ culture


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